Email: enquiries@interflam.co.uk for more information
Interflam has brought together engineers, scientists, practitioners and regulators from around the globe to hear the latest state of the art papers, meet with new colleagues and importantly, to network with their peers in a friendly atmosphere conducive to exchanging ideas. Regularly since 1979. Yes, Interflam will be 46 this year and has grown from a single session 2 day event with 12 countries represented in 1979, to a 3 days packed multiple parallel session, truly worldwide event.
Interflam 2019 had a full three day programme consisting of three parallel sessions plus plenary presentations, supported by extensive posters sessions, exhibition, as well as the extensive and inclusive social programme. That provides maximum opportunities for networking. The conference is intended to create an interface between the researcher, the fire safety engineer, fire service, regulators and the designers so that good fire science can be promptly harnessed to provide a safer built environment.
We would now like to invite authors to submit abstracts - please click 'Call for Papers' in the top menu bar above for further information.
Papers from the conference will be eligible for review and publication in Special Issues of the Fire and Materials Journal.